Tag Archives: Cape Town

Responses to Kardiāvale

Rob Murray and Liezl de Kock in Kardiavale (pic by David Batzofin) Finally collated all media responses to Kardiāvale at the recent National Arts Festival.  Just in time for our upcoming shows at Out the Box! 5th and 6th September, ladies and gentlemen, 5th and 6th September. Check the event here.

“…tight, sharp and funny…original and quirky…While the show is broke-down-carni-playing-a-broken-piano-in-a-yard-behind-a-dilapidated-bar-strewn-with-empty-bottles over-the-top bawdy burlesque, the story it tells is delicate. As delicate as an exposed heart.” Steve Kretzmann, ArtsBlog

“…an endearing combination of pathos and comedy, which guides its audience steadily from an initially uproarious burlesque theme to a more sinister place…heart-rending emotion through the centre of this well-crafted narrative, which deals poignantly with the themes of vulnerability and power.” Anton Krueger, CUE

“…it whizzes along at a pace and the hour that it takes is gone in a flash. The music [played live], the back up track and the lot are perfectly synchronized. Want to see it again. 09/10” – Simon Cooper, Artsblog

And, during the National Schools’ Festival, a number of learners attended an arts’ journalist workshop and as a project reviewed shows…links to a number of Kardiāvale reviews from here: http://schoolfest2011.wordpress.com/reviews-kardiavale/

Bookings should go live at Computicket today.